Sunday, October 16, 2011

Iron it out

Iron it out

This article has nothing to do with the age old chore of pressing out the wrinkles in your clothing but has everything to do with water quality.  I had a customer the other day who was having problems with iron and we were able to help him with our Iron Filter.  That part was easy but there was a time that had me bewildered until I found the problem.  His pump kept short cycling, which is when the pressure switch hammers on and off.  It just goes click click click and it will inevetibly burn out the pump which can be costly.  This usually happens if you have a bad bladder tank, or a water logged or air locked galvanized tank.  It will also do this when there is a blockage between the pump and the pressure tank.  I checked his tank and it was okay but it still short cycled and had me concerned.  I then took apart his check valve to see if it was functioning correctly and it was.  So the only thing left to do was cut his pvc pipe and see what was going on.  After cutting his pipe and looking inside I was able to see why his pump short cycled.  It was plugged full of iron.  You could not get a pencil through it and thus the problem.  Most home owners never know that this is happening unless they happen to be in the well house while the pump is running.  This iron in the lines can be a cause of low pressure, damage appliances, make water taste terrible and bring unsightly stains into the home.  Be aware of how your system works and if you have iron then my suggestion is to get a filter just for iron.  I have attached a pic of what was found in the pipes, it is almost unbelievable.

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