Monday, December 29, 2014

My Water Softener is Not Using Salt

I have heard that statement more times than I can count.  Usually that is the first thing someone notices even before they notice the water is no longer soft anymore.  The home owner goes out and starts to put salt in the salt tank or what is known as the brine tank and see's that there is still a full tank of salt, oh what to do what to do.

The first thing you are going to want to do is to look at the time clock on the water softener to see if it is displaying the correct time.  If it is not then you will want to set the time to the correct time.  Then look to see if it is plugged in, who knows a cat, rat, or someone could have accidentally unplugged it.  I have seen that many times in my days as a water softener service man.  If it is plugged in and not a digital model try and see if you can look to the back of the motor.  If you can then you will see a little window and you should see a red dot every so many seconds.  This is an indicator that the motor is running but not necessarily good.  The next thing you are going to want to look at is the front of the large dial to see if it is in the service position, and actually you probably should have done that first but all in all most of this is simultaneously done.  If it is in the service position then you will want to begin to turn the knob from the service position to each position in the regeneration cycle and when it gets to the brine/rinse cycle stop and grab the little tube that goes from the water softener to the brine tank as tight as you can.  You are trying to feel the salt water going through the tube, if you cannot feel the water going through the tube then just monitor the water in the brine tank and you should see it going down.  If it does not go down then you will need to call a service man.  If it goes down then you will want to continue through the cycle and reset the knob in the service position.

The next thing you will want to do if you can is to make a fist and pound on the side of the brine tank towards the bottom about 1 foot from the floor. Start there and move your way up noticing any difference, if it seems to be softer towards the bottom and hard at the top then more than likely you have what is called a salt bridge.  You can hit the salt where the hardness and soft spot on the tank come together and knock the salt down.  You can also get a broom stick (make sure you put it back where you got it or you will get it when your wife finds out) and poke it in the salt upside down and move it around trying to make the salt fall.  You can also carefully shake the brine tank making sure not to break any pipes that may be exposed and this will help the salt fall.  This will fix your problem.  You will want to put your water softener in regen in order to have it regenerate so your wife can have that soft water she loves.  Make sure you do not put it in regen while she is washing laundry since it will make the clothes salty if all things come together at the right time.

How does the salt bridge?  What happens is the water that is put into the salt tank only goes in so far, then during the brine cycle it is drawn out and rinses over the media in the tall cylindrical tank.  The water makes the salt wet so it can dissolve and make the brine solution, well sometimes for whatever reason the salt that gets wet begins to stick to itself and sooner or later does not fall down into the brine tank and forms a cement like hardness with the salt.  All the salt that is below the bridge is dissolved and the water comes and goes and comes and goes and never dissolves any more salt because it is bridged.  So if you follow the above directions the salt will fall and you will be back in business again.  If you have tried everything then you may have to call a service man out to see if you don't have a problem with your brine piston, which is another article in itself.

If you need water softener parts you can go to and click on any of their items and you will be forwarded to a larger website where you can get parts.  I hope this helped the old saying, "My Water Softener is Not Using Salt"

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Best Water Softener

Many people will ask what the best water softener is and the answer will depend on who you ask.  For instance if you ask the guy selling you one, he will say that his is the best, or if you ask your neighbor he will say his is the best especially if he paid a huge sum of money for his water softener.  You can also read the article on how to buy a water softener

There are water softener reviews that can help, and you can find them on youtube and I am sure there are some write ups on the internet as well.  If you are reading this I would like to give you my unbiased opinion on the matter. I have almost 10 years experience in water softener sales and service and have seen many water softeners and what I think are the best out there.

Let's start with the low cost water softeners, one would think you get what you pay for and in some cases you can, however on the other hand when it comes to water it us important to know what is in your water in order to perhaps decide which one is best for you.  The first thing you will want to do is have your water test done and you can order a water test kit HERE

The reason for the test will determine what size water softener you will need based on the hardness level and to see what other contaminants are in the water and here is why.  If you buy one of the inexpensive ones and you live on a water well and sometimes have sediment then you will want to have a Pre Filter  in front of the water softener and the reason for this is to stop the sediment or iron from scoring the disk that helps suck the salt water from the brine tank and into the media tank to remove the calcium build up on the media beads.  Once the disk gets scored to badly it will not pick up brine water and will only overflow the brine tank and make a mess in the well house or your garage.  In reality it is always best to put a sediment cartridge in front of your water softener just in case you do begin to get sediment.  Small price to help the life of the piston, seals and spacers.

The inexpensive water softeners bought at the big box stores will work best on city water and yet I still say put in a pre filter and use a carbon pre filter as to stop the chlorine because the chlorine will ruin the rubber seals faster and the carbon filter will help remove sediment and other contaminants in the water.

The next type of water softeners you will find the most of are Fleck and Clack brand water softeners.  These are two of the most popular water softeners and are in my opinion are the best on the market.  The cost may vary depending on whom is selling them.  As another water treatment guy told me once, "Build value in your equipment and charge more" thought it is good business sense I don't believe in selling people anything.  I give people information and let them decide on their own.  Another good thing about the two water softeners I listed are that the parts for them can be purchased online and at a good price.  You can then find videos on youtube that will show you how to replace the parts simply and easily.

The water softeners I would stay away from are the ones that have a special manufacturer and the reason for this is once you purchase the equipment you must call that particular guy back for the service call.  Some of these manufacturers will not give another service member parts, as I ran into this problem when I owned my own company.  I had a customer who wanted me to fix their water softener and I called the representative for that particular water softener and he could not sale me parts because it was in his contract with the manufacturer.  So I turned my customer over to him which really is no problem for me since I always believe in scratching other peoples backs and it did pay off for me because he gave me referrals on other types of equipment, but the only problem I had was the high prices they charged and there was no way around it for the consumer or DIY kind of people.  Any way you have my view on those one of a kind water softeners.

The Fleck brand water softener can be purchased online at various prices but usually inexpensive though I know that is a matter of perspective.  If you don't have $100.00 then $100.00 is a lot of money.  Low cost water softeners has Fleck brand equipment on their site and the prices are good.  Clack brand water softeners are not supposed to be sold on the internet but sometimes are.  The reason for this is because they are digital valves and sometimes they get messed up and the consumer calls Clack and wants help because the company they bought it from doesn't know how to repair them or cannot tell you over the phone.  That was one of the first things they told me when I started selling Clack valves was that I could not sale them online. So if you want to buy a water softener you can get one from Low Cost Water Softeners and you will find them to be a good price compared to the local guy.  The local guy has to charge more because his demographics are different from one who sales online.

Now the real story on the best water softener is this, the water softener that you buy and like and serves you well for the money you paid is the very best water softener.  And from my professional experience I say either Fleck or Clack because you can buy Fleck parts online and it does not cost a lot for repairs and repairs come about 5-10 years later and the problem will be fixed for another 5-10 years.  So do your research first and keep all that I said in mind and if you have any questions you can comment here or you may email us at

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Saltless Water Softener

The saltless water softener has been scrutinized and misjudged but only because of the way it is marketed.  We know that people want a saltless water softener because they have either high blood pressure, don't want to hassle with the salt or live in a city or state that does not allow that much salt to go to drain.  So a manufacturer or two have done the homework and made the media that prevents the calcium from sticking to faucets etc.

No problem here except the standard person in public has no idea of the difference between a water softener and a saltless water softener.  So the salesman sales and markets it as a saltfree water softener and the public eats it up.  So for the most part the problem has been created by some of the guys in the industry trying to make some money.  After all SEO and Keyword searches are the hot thing now days in order to get your product or service found on the internet so you just use the same words the people are searching for and want to hear.  The truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as a saltfree water softener or saltless water softener.  I will explain below;

In order for water to be softened it must go through an Ion Exchange process which to put it simply where the calcium ions in the water attach to the sodium charged ions in the softener media, like a giant group hug.  You can find articles out there that can describe it in more detail but if you don't care about being a chemist then there is no need.  So because of the ion exchange process the hardness is removed and you have soft water.

Saltfree water softener/ Saltless water softener- is more of a conditioner.  It conditions the water as it flows through the media and tank and as the water comes out it has been conditioned not to stick.  The process is relatively easy to explain unless you want the chemical make up as well.  Most companies use SP3 as the media and what the SP3 does is it makes the calcium stick to itself so it doesn't stick to pipes and faucets and glass, this being said in the most easiest form for you to understand. Go HERE for more information.

I have owned both.  My wife and I prefer the water softener over the saltless water softener/conditioner even though you still get that slick feeling and you don't get the sodium in your water and don't have to mess with the salt pellets or salt tablets.  One main reason is I noticed inside the dishwasher right under the door was some nasty red slimy stuff and when I switched back to the water softener the red slimy stuff went away.  You still don't use as much shampoo and conditioner and soaps etc we were able to feel the difference.  I had the both in case I forgot to put salt in the brine tank for the water softener I still had a back up just in case.  We installed a few of these and never had any problem with them from our customers.

Well I hope this helped some in distinguishing the difference between a saltfree water softener and a regular water softener and perhaps also helped in choosing a saltfree water softener or a water softener and if you do have one or the other I would also recommend a reverse osmosis drinking water system

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How to Measure Water Hardness

I have heard many people say that they have hard water and others say they have soft water and when it comes down to it sometimes both are correct and other times both are incorrect.  Without testing the water one will never know just exactly how hard the water really is.

Let's talk about the types of water hardness;
1.  Temporary Hardness-Temporary hardness is a type of water hardness caused by the presence of dissolved bicarbonate minerals (calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate). When dissolved, these minerals yield calcium and magnesium cations (Ca2+, Mg2+) and carbonate and bicarbonate anions (CO32-, HCO3-). The presence of the metal cations makes the water hard. However, unlike the permanent hardness caused by sulfate and chloride compounds, this "temporary" hardness can be reduced either by boiling the water, or by the addition of lime (calcium hydroxide) through the softening process of lime softening.[4] Boiling promotes the formation of carbonate from the bicarbonate and precipitates calcium carbonate out of solution, leaving water that is softer upon cooling.

2. Permanent Hardness-Permanent hardness is hardness (mineral content) that cannot be removed by boiling. When this is the case, it is usually caused by the presence of calcium sulfate and/or magnesium sulfates in the water, which do not precipitate out as the temperature increases. Ions causing permanent hardness of water can be removed using a water softener, or ion exchange column.
Total Permanent Hardness = Calcium Hardness + Magnesium Hardness
The calcium and magnesium hardness is the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions expressed as equivalent of calcium carbonate.
Total permanent water hardness expressed as equivalent of CaCO3 can be calculated with the following formula: Total Permanent Hardness (CaCO3) = 2.5(Ca2+) + 4.1(Mg2+).[citation needed]

So what does all that mean to you?  Let's simplify it, the type of hard water most people will have to 
fight will be permanent hardness.  And as you can see it is eliminated by water softener or ion exchange process.
So now we know that there are two types of water hardness now let's explore the way we measure hard water
in order to determine water hardness and buy the correct size water softener.

Water hardness is measured in a few different ways but we will only talk about 3 ways water hardness is measured
Mg/l = Milligrams per liter- when measured in this fashion it is 17.1
PPM= Parts Per Million- when measured in this fashion it is 17.1
GPG= Grains Per Gallons- when measured in this fashion it is 1
For example 10gpg hardness is 171.0 PPM or Mg/L

So in you'll want to know how it hard water is measured because when a salesman tries to pull the wool over your eyes
and says your water is really really hard and it is only 5gpg instead of 85 Mg/L or 85 PPM  It sounds really hard but 
let's look at how hard it really is according to our chart.
Classification          Hardness in Mg/L          Hardness in PPM          Hardness in GPG
Soft                                 0-60                       Less than 60                       0-3.5
Moderately Hard             61-120                       60-120                         3.56-7.51
Hard                               121-180                     120-180                        7.06-10.51
Very Hard                        >180                            >180                             >10.57

What do I use to measure my hardness?  Here are a couple of ways to do so.  You can go to the big box stores
and some will have a way to measure your water hardness by using a small matchstick style dipping stick and once
you dip it in the water you will match the color against the chart and it will tell you how hard your water is, you 
also have a water softener company come out and measure it for you but be prepared you may have to go through
a sales presentation.  You can also get the kit at a local pool supply place or you can go to Amazon for a kit.


Saturday, December 13, 2014


In today's world of water most people don't have water softeners because they either have soft water, don't want to pay a huge price for a water softener or may just not know the benefits to owning a water softener.

If you have soft water but you still seem to have a calcium build up on your sinks and tubs etc then you may want to take a look at one of these salt less water softeners because you may have soft water but your water may be just hard enough to leave a residue.

Salt Less Water Softener
       Meaning it is not 100% soft but still registers 3-4 grains per gallon hard which is considered soft to mildly soft. As you know it is just enough to leave a residue that you don't want to have on your counters for visitors to see.  You will also see the results with you hair, soaps and shampoo's.  This really is not a water softener but a water conditioner.  As the water passes over the media the calcium in the water is then  bound together so in sticking to itself it does not stick to anything else.  You will want to get a 2 cuft system as this will accommodate any size home and hardness.  If you have iron in your water then you will want to remove the iron first as it will coat the beads of the media and not allow them to create the bond that the hard water molecules need in order for them to stick to one another and will limit the life expectancy of the salt less water softener..  As mentioned before this has the same effects as a water softener by means of allowing the soap to actually have suds and the need to use large amounts of shampoo and conditioner much less in order to have soft shiny hair that the wife always seeks.

The price of a water softener can range from $400.00 to more than $4,000.00  So most folks think they get what they pay for just don't buy one since they cannot afford one. Here is a company that sales the best water softener for a great price    You'll find it is a Fleck 5600 which is the most popular and rugged water softener on the market.

Once you have a quality water softener you will see your water begin to change.  What I mean by this is that your water will go from hard to soft to hard again and then finally to soft.  What happens is that the hard water that comes into the water softener is then softened and is made aggressive.  As it travels through your pipes and hot water heater it is eating away at the calcium build up and thus if you were to test it, you may find that it is not completely soft.  We always recommend to wait at least 30 days until you see the 100% results of a water softener.  So for the next 30 days your water will change as the build up inside your pipes begins to be cleaned out and that old faucet you thought didn't have much pressure begins to have pressure for some strange reason.  Perhaps its not clogged with hard water deposits any longer. 

You will now only need to use about half or even less shampoo and conditioner on your hair as well as half the amount of laundry detergent.  In addition to less laundry detergent you can wash more of you laundry in cold water in order to get it clean unlike before whereas you would have to use hot water in order to get a clean load of wash.  This will also cut down on your hot water bill as well.  In addition to that you will see that your bright clothes tend to stay bright longer and you those unsightly stains that just pop up on that white blouse will no longer be popping up.  You will have cleaner brighter laundry for years to come since soft water also helps in the cleaning process because the dirt and grime can be removed easier with soft water rather than with hard water.

Having a water softener also affects the tastes of coffee and juices made at home.  With hard water it takes longer to make the coffee because of the calcium build up on the coils that heat the water as well as the soft water helps in getting rid of the bitter taste of strong coffee.  You will lose that scummy look on top of the coffee and if you love ice tea then you'll enjoy being able to look through your glass and seeing the other side knowing that you have calcium free great tasting water.

Now if you want to go a step further with your water taste then you will want to get a drinking water system that goes under the sink and gets rid of up to 99% of everything in your drinking water.  Talk about great tasting coffee or tea, well here it is.  This system gets everything out and all you get is great tasting water, coffee or whatever beverage you desire knowing that it is completely healthy and free of contaminants and your liver and kidney will be thanking you for years to come.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Fluoride in Your Babies Water

WARNING PARENTS WHO USE BOTTLED WATER FOR THEIR BABIES; I was just in Walmart getting some bottled water for my coffee since I have not put an RO in my RV yet and I look at the baby water and think wow this should be really good water. To my surprise I was completely wrong.  The pink label said steam distilled water (that is what distilled water is, collected steam) but then it said fluoride added.  WHAT THE HECK?  You don't make distilled water and then poison it by putting fluoride back into it.  You can read the article at this link, please take the time to do so;

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Whole House Water Filters

10" Big Blue Sediment Filter
20" Big Blue Sediment Filter
Dual 10" Big Blue Sediment Filter

Dual 20" Big Blue Sediment Filter
Triple Stage 20" Big Blue Sediment Filter

Fleck 5600 2cuft Backwashing Coconut Carbon Filter
Fleck 5600 1cuft Backwashing Sediment Filter

Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide Filter

Water Softeners

Fleck 5600 32K Grain Water Softener
Fleck 5600 24k Grain Water Softener

Fleck 5600 48K Grain Water Softener
Fleck 5600 64K Grain Water Softener

Fleck 5600 SXT Digital 24K Grain Water Softener
Fleck 5600 SXT Digital 32K Grain Water Softener

Fleck 5600 SXT Digital 48K Grain Water Softener
Fleck 5600 SXT Digital 64K Grain Water Softener

Salt Free Water Softeners

Whole House Salt Free Water Conditioner 15gpm
Whole House Salt Free Water Conditioner 10 gpm


Whole House Salt Free Water Conditioner 20gpm
Whole House Salt Free Water Conditioner 25 gpm




Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Drugs in Our Water?

Because of my extensive time spent in the Marines and all the running I did because of necessity and of the love for running and in addition to playing soccer my body could no longer take care of me and thus I had to have double knee replacement.  I know that sounds painful and I am sure you are wondering how this relates to the title and water.

Well as most of us know unless you are really tough we have certain reactions to pain.  I for example am highly allergic to pain and the problem with that is there are very few pain meds that do any good to bring relief to my aching body parts.

Well I was given some cream to put on the area around me knee which is supposed to help with the pain.  I am very busy and don't really pay too much attention to most stuff and thank God for my wife who catches the small things that I often times overlook in life.  As she was asking about this interesting concept of a device like a pump that was full of pain reliever in the form of a cream I began to look at the ingredients since my curiosity was aroused by this ingenious invention.  There were many common pain relievers listed.  Most of which we are all familiar with and I thought well these are strong and perhaps this will bring some relief during my physical therapy.  After all it said use to pumps and use it 3-4 times a day.

I began to use the product and looked at the ingredients again and saw at the bottom (I hardly ever read to the bottom) a little warning.  It said "Do not flush this or any medication down the drain) I began to wonder at the question because hey we put all kinds of things down the drain why should this be any different.  Then baamm it hit me, it was a drug and in some cities the water district will reuse water.  It is sent through a plant and cleaned and disinfected and then put right back out there in public water systems.

Well I started thinking this will certainly affect people who may end up drinking water tainted with pain meds, psychological drugs, ADHD meds, high blood pressure medicine that leaves the body during urination and all the other meds that are dumped into the sinks and toilets then cleaned up and sent right back out there for reuse.  I wonder why we have a lot of health issues today.

Now this may not happen in every city but it is happening in many cities today.  With the ever increasing problems of the lack of water and droughts our country is experiencing today more and more cities may turn to this protocol in order to meet the needs of the people in the communities.  Our aquifers are lowering and rain is at an all time low for most states, this really sounds like a great idea.  It may be in order to take care of the water needs but if drugs are in our water and the water is only cleaned and treated and not filtered then these drugs that may help others may be detrimental to those of us who don't need them.

The fix, well one way is to find out where your water comes from, you can also send off for a test and see just exactly what is in your water.  Another option is to get a Reverse Osmosis System.  It is far better than a regular water filter.  A regular carbon block filter will remove most contaminants and is relatively cheap however a Reverse Osmosis will make your water 98-99% pure.  Or you can buy bottled water and use it to cook with and smaller bottles to drink from but you may run into other problems doing that. 

For the safety of yourself, your children and pets I would recommend a Reverse Osmosis System.  It goes under the sink and has its own faucet at the sink for great tasting drug free water. You can get one HERE

Crystal Quest Water Filters

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Is Our Water Killing Our Kids?

Many times we just put our glass of water to our mouth and drink the water in it or we just give a random glass of water to our children when they are thirsty.  Or how many times have you told your child the very same words you heard as a child when you said you were thirsty.  "Get a drink from the hose" or just went and got a drink from the hose.  We as children mostly never know what is in our water and children trust their parents and almost all adults with their livelihood.  Children never would believe that we adults would ever poison them but we are killing our kids.

Now we as adults would never want to hurt anyone let alone an innocent child, not to mention poisoning them.  The very thought is hideous.  It is our responsibility as informed adults to protect not just our own children but others as well, they are in fact our future and we would never want our future to do the same to us as we did to them, would we?

The very point of this article is that we are poisoning our children with contaminants in our water and most of us are not even aware of it.  We put chlorine in the water to disinfect it and fluoride in it as well.  If you read the other articles that are out there that explains the caustic level of chlorine and fluoride you would stop drinking water, however it is necessary to drink water in order to live.  So what are the problems with chlorine and fluoride?  Let's take a look below.

How Dangerous is Fluoride to Your Health?
Fluorine is an element. It is a gas, never occurring in its free state. In microscopic amounts complexed with other minerals, it is often listed as a trace mineral, a nutrient for human nutrition.
The fluoride added to 90% of drinking water is hydrofluoric acid which is a compound of fluorine that is a chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing.
Such fluoride is man made. In this form, fluoride has no nutrient value whatsoever. It is one of the most caustic of industrial chemicals. Fluoride is the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder.
Hydrofluoric acid is used to refine high octane gasoline, to make fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons for freezers and air conditioners, and to manufacture computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, plastics, herbicides, -- and toothpaste.
It also has the ability to burn flesh to the bone, destroy eyes, and sear lungs so that victims drown in their own body fluid."
Once in the body, fluoride is a destroyer of human enzymes. It does this by changing their shapes. In human biochemistry, thousands of enzymes are necessary for various essential cell reactions that take place every second we're alive. Without enzymes, we'd die instantaneously.  Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can't repair damaged cells, we get old fast.
Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. Again, when enzymes get twisted out of shape, they can't do their jobs. This results in collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, and immune suppression. Practically any disease you can name may then be caused.
All systems of the body are dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride changes the enzymes, this can damage:
- immune system
- digestive system
- respiratory system
- blood circulation
- kidney function
- liver function
- brain function
- thyroid function

The distorted enzymes are proteins, but now they have become foreign protein, which we know is the exact cause of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, arthritis, asthma, and arteriosclerosis.
This excerpt was taken from here.

For a Fluoride Removal System Click Here

Q: What can happen if these chemicals get into our bodies?
Our bodies are very good at metabolizing many things. Through special enzymes, our bodies are able to rid themselves of many environmental toxic substances that we come into contact with daily. However, dioxins (and other organochlorine compounds) aren't included. Even if we are exposed to very low levels, dioxins remain in the body and accumulate.
The EPA is now saying that this is soon to become a major health risk problem. The cumulative effects of dioxin in humans have been linked to birth defects, cancer, reproductive disorders and immune system breakdown.

 We may have a problem if we need to sanitize via a chemical additive. It becomes a sort of oxymoron: chemicals that are persistent also tend to be toxic. The ultimate solution may be to have home-based water filtration/sanitizing systems. This would eliminate the problem of trying to prevent hundreds of miles of pipes, installed a hundred years ago, from contaminating the water.  This excerpt was taken from here


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Flouride in the Water, a Silent Killer?

HARMFUL EFFECTS OF FLUORIDE Fluoride is used as an insecticide and a roach killer. Even at the level they use to fluoridate your public water supply, usually at the rate of about 1 part fluoride for every million parts of water (1 ppm) by weight, it causes severe problems. As little as one-tenth of an ounce of fluoride will cause death. It is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. No one will die from drinking one glass of fluoridated water, but it is the long term chronic effects of drinking fluoridated water that affects health. Dental fluorosis is one of the earlier signs of fluoride poisoning, appearing in mild cases as a chalky area on the tooth, and in more advanced cases, teeth become yellow brown or black and the tips break off. Fluoride in the drinking water leads to fluoride levels in tissues and organs which damage enzymes. This results in a wide range of chronic diseases. Fluoride weakens the immune system and may cause allergic type reactions including dermatitis, eczema and hives. It causes birth defects and genetic damage. Fluoride is likely to aggravate kidney disease, diabetes and hypothyroidism. The amount consumed in drinking water has been shown to lower thyroid activity in humans. It also causes the breakdown of collagen which results in wrinkling of the skin and the weakening of ligaments, tendons and muscles. There are a number of ways that fluoride can be administered. The most insidious way is through the drinking water. Some of you have it in your mouthwashes, or in your toothpaste, or you may take a fluoride supplement which is dispensed in pills or drops.

FLUORIDE A BY-PRODUCT OF INDUSTRY Fluoride is an industrial waste product, a by-product of the aluminum industry and the phosphate fertilizer companies who have mountains of fluoride that is polluting the ground water. They have to get rid of it, and the old solution to pollution is dilution - just put it in the drinking water. People living in the vicinity of aluminum, phosphate, steel, clay, glass and enamel plants are exposed to high levels of fluoride in the air. For instance, the Hamilton area shows extremely high lung cancer rates that decrease as you get away from the downwind plume of the steel mills. If fluoride was left with the phosphate and sold to farmers, it would kill their crops. That is what originally happened when they used this high fluoride phosphate, and the farmers said they were going back to manure.

 ADDITION OF FLUORIDE TO PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS The addition of fluoride to the public water supply is the most insidious way of chronically poisoning hundreds of millions of people around the world. Dr. Dean Burk was former chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, and has co-authored studies with many Nobel prize winners including Otto Warburton, and he is the co-author of the most cited paper in the entire field of biochemistry - the Lineweaver-Burk Enzyme Kinetics. In the 1970s, Dean Burk and I conducted a number of studies which linked fluoride and cancer. There was already scientific evidence from the 1950s that fluoride was causing cancer, and a 1963 study by Driscowitz and Norton showed that increased fluoride concentrations in the media of experimental animals increased tumour incidence from 12% at the lowest concentrations up to 100%. Taylor and Taylor published a study in 1965 at the University of Texas in all the mainline medical journals showing that 1 ppm or even 0.5 ppm increased tumour growth rate by 25%. These studies bothered me and around 1975 I found that we had enough data to compare the cancer death rate before and after fluoridation of fluoridated communities and compare them to non-fluoridated communities. Based on millions of subjects, the study showed a 5 to 10% increase in cancer death rate within three to five years after fluoridation was put into the water after correcting for various demographic factors like age, race and sex. All the variables were controlled. We followed this by a series of other studies. In 1977 we had full blown Congressional Hearings, and Congress stated: "We can no longer assure the American public that fluoride does not cause cancer". Dean Burk and other well-known scientists were there, and on the opposing side was the American Dental Association. Ten years later, Proctor and Gamble, makers of Crest toothpaste found that fluoride was causing precarcinogenic changes in cells.

 HOW FLUORIDE AFFECTS THE DNA REPAIR MECHANISM Epidemiological evidence shows that fluoride causes cancer. It does this in several ways. It can actually cause the original lesion. In each one of our cells we have genetic material called DNA, and this DNA is double stranded, it has a helix shape and these two strands of DNA are held together by semi strong bonds called hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds also hold proteins together. Fluoride goes in and breaks those hydrogen bonds, and consequently destabilizes DNA. It can't cause a lesion in the DNA itself, but if it is in a site of the cell that regulates cell growth, it will cause uncontrolled cell growth. A few minor modifications will give you first a tumour, and secondly an invasive tumour or cancer. So fluoride has the ability to actually cause the cancer. We have a marvelous system of repair and rejuvenation. Even if we go out in the sun, even if we have a lesion by fluoride itself, we have what is called a DNA repair enzyme system. So any lesion caused by the sun or ultra-violet light will be repaired. The DNA repair enzyme system will cut off the ends and use the complementary strand to repair itself and make intact genetic material. The unfortunate thing is that one part per million fluoride, the amount of fluoride that they use in the public water system, depresses the DNA repair system by 50%. So they have attacked us on the first defense of damage to our genetic material. Since people can get cancer from so many different causes, fluoride is just increasing our chances of getting cancer.

 THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Even if the cancer cell starts dividing and invading surrounding tissues, if our immune system is strong enough, it will kill those cancer cells without any remedies, without chemotherapy, without anything and will destroy the occasional cancer that maybe all of us have had at one time or another. Once in a while cancer breaks through when the immune system is low or the DNA repair enzyme system is down, and we will get cancer. Fluoride causes the lesion; it inhibits the DNA repair enzyme, and then inhibits our immune system by 30 to 70%. And that occurs at only one part per million. How does it do that? Our immune system is composed of white blood cells including phagocyte cells that are carried in the blood system. If there is an infection or cancer or some foreign agent, these phagocytes will go to that area and start engulfing and destroying this bad agent whether it is a cancer cell or a bacterium or virus. It engulfs it in a little pocket called a lysosome which squirts enzymes and breaks down the bad agent into little pieces. They have other things called peroxisomes which burn that agent with free radicals and either destroy it or use it for building new and healthy cells. These phagocytes will actually eat up bacteria or viruses, and toxic substances are just thrown off. Studies from the University of Glasgow show that fluoride inhibits these white blood cells. Fluoride at levels below one part per million causes a chronic release of these free radicals from the white blood cell out into the blood stream where it starts slowly damaging your body by increasing free radicals. This is one of the reasons why we call fluoride the ageing factor.


Crystal Quest Water Filters

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Odor in The Water

It's hot outside and you've been working in the yard, mowing, weed eating and trimming shrubs and now it's time to take a break.  You go into the house and grab a glass from the cupboard go to the refrigerator and get some ice from the dispenser and then you go to the sink to get your water because you are thirsty and you don't want to wait for the water dispenser in the refrigerator.  You now have a full glass of ice water and you put it to your lips take a breathe and what is that horrible smell in you glass?  No one wants to have this happen or even worse yet you have a terrible rotten egg odor in you water and guests come over to smell this odor, how embarrassing would that be?

Here are a couple of things you can look for and some remedies for the problem.  If you live on a water well these are some things you can do;
1. If you have a bladder tank (the one with the valve stem in the top) you will want to turn off you pump and drain the tank.  Once the tank is drained then carefully shake the tank ensuring that you do not break your PVC pipes.  If you hear water sloshing around in the top part of the tank this is your problem.  What has happened is that you have gotten a small hole in your bladder and the water is going through the bladder and making contact with the metal and the outside part of the bladder thus causing the odor.  The remedy is to replace the tank.
2. If you have a galvanized tank (the one with the pressure guage in the side) you will also want to turn off your pump and drain the tank and then shake it.  If it is full of water then your tank is water logged or in the process of water logging.  The reason for the odor is because with this system when the pump comes on it is supposed to put about a 20 foot column of air in the tank and then comes the water.  The air and the water mix and the air oxidizes the sulphur or hydrogen sulfide in the water and knocks out the smell.  Remedy, find the problem.  It is usually the check valve, and the way to tell if it is the check valve is to pressure up the tank and then slowly remove the pressure relief valve on top of the well head, if water begins to shoot out then the check valve is bad and will need to be replaced.  The other two things could be the snifter (silver valve stem in the check valve or screwed into the PVC pipe)  Replace the snifter, it must be purchased from a water well company or supplier because the spring in it is not the same as a regular valve stem.  The third thing is that the bleeder valve in the drop pipe and it can only be checked by a water well company.  This usually does not go bad.
3. If it is neither of the two above listed things then you either have hydrogen sulfide or iron bacteria in your well.  If you have iron then you will see red stains in your sinks and toilets and wherever you sprinklers hit your house.  If it is hydrogen sulfide you can look in the back of the toilet tank and if it is black then it is hydrogen sulfide.  The remedy is one of three things.  You can put about a cup or so of bleach down your well by removing the little black or blue square cap on the well head itself and pour the bleach down there. (Note do not use scented bleach) you will then want to chase the bleach with large amounts of water to ensure you have washed it off your pipes because bleach is caustic and will corrode the pipe and cause another problem.  This remedy will knock out both iron and hydrogen sulfide.  You can also buy filters for the two problems. If you buy an iron filter you will want to mix air with the water and then have a medium ( I suggest filter ag plus) to catch the iron. I suggest the Iron Breaker by either Fleck or Clack.  If it is hydrogen sulfide then you will want to use air to oxidize the hydrogen sulfide and use a catalytic carbon to catch the solids.  You can use an Iron Breaker as well but just change out the medium to catalytic carbon  Another filter that can be used is one that uses different types of filtration media to remove these contaminants.
Click here

Bladder Tank

Galvanized Tank

Monday, November 17, 2014

Shower Filters

I have seen many water filters claiming many things and sometimes I think it is a hoax or some sort of sales gimmick.  One of those that I am on the fence about is the shower filters.  They are either carbon of KDF 55 which should only be used on city water because of the need of pressure to regenerate it correctly.  KDF 55 is very heavy and if the bed cannot be lifted then the contaminants it catches will not be flushed and thus no room for the new to be captured is present.  Another common filter is that of Carbon whether it be granular activated or carbon block.  Granular activated is simply loose carbon within the filter itself.  Carbon block is compressed carbon that the water must flow through in order to get to the other side.  Granular is free floating and though it catches almost all the constituents in the water the carbon block is much better but must be replaced more often.  I also tend not to listen the the people who like to create fear in order to sale their product.  I have heard it said that the steam that is made from the hot water in the shower is then inhaled and the chlorine is then ingested through the lungs and thus contaminating the body.  Thus justifying the need for a filter on the shower head.  I don't know that this would be true though it seems to be correct.  My concern is that we have far too many people with cancer today and for me I really think that one of these filters would be worth the money.  No one wants cancer and if I have to spend a few extra dollars a month in order to help prevent cancer in my life and that of my family then I am in.  Cancer is a devastating disease as you are well aware and I would not want to see it on my worst enemy let alone any family member.  As for me I would personally recommend the Carbon block filter .  There are many different filters out there so here are some that you can choose from to help you and your family.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Buying a New Water Softener

Many people are looking for water softeners tgo buy but have a tough time because of the price ranges and hard sales tactics used.  You can buy a water softener at a big box store for around $450.00 and then have a salesman come and sale you a water softener for $8,000.00.  Wow that is a huge price difference and are you getting your monies worth?  After all you know the old saying "You get what you pay for".  Well when it comes to water softeners it can and cannot be like that.

There are many brands and types out there and the basic homeowner may not be familiar with them and which one is the correct one.  Before you buy make sure you do some research, ask questions get some bids, this is very important because some companies sale type A water softener for this price $$$ and another company may sale the very same one for this price $$.  You will also want a water sample.  Most companies will test your water for you and then they will size the water softener accordingly.  It often times depends on how hard the water is, how many people in the home and flow rate needed.

Licensing, most water softener sales people are not licensed, they can sale the softener and have a licensed plumber install it.  Or they will install it themselves.  Even if they don't have a license they usually know what they are doing because they don't want to keep coming to your home to redo something since time is money and do overs only cost the water softener company.  You can also ask questions like; how long have they been in business because sometimes there are companies out there who want to make the sale and in a year or so they no longer exist so then you are left to find a reputable company to fix your softener and hopefully if it is a warranty item they will honor it. You may also want to ask the company what types of water softeners can they fix, the reason for this is that if they can only fix their particular brand then you may be stuck with their prices on parts and labor and if he goes out of business who is going to fix your system.  If you can find a company that can fix most types of water softeners then you have found a company that knows what they are doing and are in it for the long haul since they have that much experience.

Expensive is not always the best, for instance there is one company that sales their product for thousands of dollars and they are the only one who can do maintenance to the system so you are stuck with their high prices.  There are other systems that are sold for lots of money and are really over priced.  My recommendation is to buy either a Fleck or Clack brand water softener.  Both companies have been in the business for a very long time and it is much easier to get parts if you like to DIY.  Parts are not too expensive and there are videos on the internet that can show you exactly how to repair them.  I would also suggest going to YouTube and searching how to fix a fleck valve or clack valve or whirlpool.  Then you can see how easy or complicated it is to repair a water softener.  You can find different types of water softeners and filters here

Warranties- most water softeners come with a 10 year warranty on the tank and a 5 year warranty on the valve.  The tank should have a sticker near the base and will have the size of the tank and the date on it, the valve has nothing like that so you would want to keep your receipt.  Most tanks last far beyond 10 years and the valve do to however the internal parts may need to be replaced due to the fact that they are moving parts and will over time wear out and this will depend on what is in the water and how often the water softener or water filter back washes.

If you are a DIY you can order your water softener over the internet at which point you will probably find the Fleck valve and of those valves you will find mostly the 5600 or the 2500/2510 valves out there.  Once again do your research and watch YouTube videos on how to install them and call around to see if you can find someone to install it if you cannot.  I would recommend staying away from the Fleck 7000 series valves because most service techs have no experience with this valve, even though you may get a good deal you will pay in the end when you need it repaired..Most plumbers know how to connect them but may not know how to set them up however you can find many videos and self help sites to help you in this.  Actually it is very easy and you should not be afraid to attempt it on your own.  You can also go to

For more information clik here

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tastes in the water supply network Houston Texas

What determines the taste of the water in the supply network?  In general. there are organoleptic (acting on or involving the use of the sense organs) parameters that are specified in standards and regulations, which define permitted levels and sensory thresholds.  It is clear that the maximal permitted contaminant levels provide high safety margins with respect to taste thresholds.  One of the goals as POU treatment is to prevent reaching the smell and taste threshold. In the US, the organoleptic parameters are indicated in US EPA standards.  In addition to the maximal permitted level, there are specific thresholds for tastes and odors from sources that are organic and inorganic, according to the American Water Works Association (AWWA).

The thresholds for identification of substances through smell or taste is higher than the permitted threshold for drinking water.  Additional possible sources of tastes in drinking what may stem from technical faults or execution of works in the water treatment system, the presence of organic compounds in the surface water, problems stemming from various types of contamination or pollution (such as sanitary or industrial sewage), execution of work in the public network and problems in the private network.  A case in point is the taste of water in the network that supplies water to customers located near ocean shorelines.  These customers may be supplied with high concentrations of chlorides due to uncontrolled infiltration of seawater, whose source is the seawater freshwater interface.  These cases constitute a challenge for selection of the specific technology for treating the taste originating from the network water.

Really the bottom line is we all want water that tastes great and is sanitary.  For the most part we really don't want to know where it comes from though sometimes it is nice to know and at other times we really don't want to know only because of the psychological effect.  Of my years in water treatment and water well service that is one thing that I have discovered that people want most.  Clean, great tasting water no matter what the cost or at times inconvenience.  I always recommend a reverse osmosis system that goes under the sink and has its own faucet next to the current one.  This is the guarantee that you get clean great tasting water in the home.

Crystal Quest Water Filters

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bottled Water

I just read an article on bottled water in America and thought I would give you some statistics about the industry.  Bottled water consumption and sales growth in the U.S. in 2013 reflected the continuing rtrend of more Americans choosing to drink water more often.  Perhaps some of this may come from the awareness of the need for water as well as we seem to have a generation who likes to visit the gym more often and thus bring their bottles of water to the gym.  Not to mention that most public water does not please the taste buds.

Bottled water in the US is comprehensively regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a packaged food product and by federal law, the FDA regulations governing the safety and quality of bottled water must be at least as stringent as US EPA standards that govern tap water.  And, in some very important cases, such as lead, coliform bacteria and E. coli, bottled water regulations are substantially more stringent.

Essentia 9.5 pH Drinking Water, 1.5 Liter, (Pack of 12)

 A strong focus on recycling continues to be an important issue the industry.  All bottled water containers are 100% recyclable.  According to the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR), now at 38.04%, the recycling rate for single serve PET plastic bottled water container more than double between 2003 and 2012.  In fact NAPCOR finds that plastic bottled water containers are the most frequently recycled PER beverage container in curbside recycling programs.

FIJI Natural Artesian Water, 16.9-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 24)

You can also instead of buying bottled water you can purchase a Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System.  These provide the exact same water as what is in bottled water.  It goes under your sink and has its own faucet that come in colors to match your current faucet.  This way you can use clear clean bottle water to cook you food in rather than empty bottle after bottle of water into a pan.  The two types I recommend are listed below.  The reason for the recommendation is it is easy to get replacement filters from some of your big box stores or

  Crystal Quest Water Filters