Monday, September 10, 2012

Water Well Service Alvord Tx-Abandoned Water Well

Most of you probably don't know that I am a volunteer fire fighter and you may ask yourself what does that have to do with water wells.  The other day we got a tone (called out for the fire dept) that there were 5 puppies in a well.  The first thing i thought was it was an hand dug well which is usually about 3 feet in diameter.  When we showed up there was a 6" well that had one puppy in it.  We were able to make a sling and get it out unharmed but the thought of anything being trapped in a well brings chills to my spine because of the dangerous potential that it poses.  I told the girl that maybe should tell the home owner that he should plug the well.  Texas does not want abandoned wells to sit open because of the potential for hazardous sitiuations as well as someone dumping something toxic into them and contaminating the aquifer.  My advice to anyone who either has an abandoned well or knows someone who does is to either call a water well company to plug it or plug it themselves.  You can visit this website and it has instructions per TCEQ on how a landowner should plug an abandoned well.  I hope this helps you in keeping people, animals and the water table safe.  Check out our youtube videos

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